Over the years, we've had the great pleasure of meeting and befriending many amazing and diverse musicians from a large segment of the "Music bidness." Here are some of those friends and their equally wonderful gear!
MMX® members benefit from generous sponsorships! |
Saturday Nov. 15th, PAISTE Canada held a meet and greet at Steve's Music store in Montreal. A big thank you to Brian and Lenny for their kind attention during a very busy day!
PAISTE and Yamaha product marketing manager Sean Browne was in twn from TO to demonstrate what makes Paiste so special. He explained that consistent results are obtained through strict adherence to precisely controlled manufacturing process. We discussed the fact that 99% of producers insist only Paiste product on the cymbal stands because of this stable sound quality throughout recordings.
PAISTE is pronounced in the following manner 'Pie-Stay' MYSTERY SOLVED! We discussed a bit of the line and after James scored some swag for our drummers, Sean agreed to meet again in March 2015 when we are scheduled to launch the TORONTO Musicians Exchange®